Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reflection about Book week

There were so many fun activities today,
because it is "Book week" so we have to have a charachter
I was "Belle" .
We had to make a Discription about our selfs.
We also had to decorate our classroom door.
We chose Germany to decorate our classroom door.
The people who won the Classroom door was my class.
At the end of the activity we had a story teller.
The story was called:Franklin and his messy room.
After we listened to the story the story tellers ask questions about the story.
It was fun and I hope next year.
I thought I was Confidence because:
I was trying to fix which part was ript.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Suara Binatang

Kuda: meringkik
Anjing: menggonggong
Kucing: mengeong
Tikus: mencicit
Burung: berkicau
Singa: mengaung
Harimau: mengaum
Kambing: mengembik
Sapi: mmelengmoo
Domba: mengembik
Bebek: mengquek-quek
Babi: berkokkok
Lebah: mendengung
Ular: mendesis
Toke: mengokek

What are the five traditional Indonesian instroments

The five traditonal instroments are:
The gong,the cime,the metallphone, the drums and the gongs.
Biblyography from:

Monday, May 14, 2007


Me and my class are making istroments out of Recycleing stuff

Friday, May 11, 2007

My musical Instroment

What I made?
For my musical instroment I made Drums.My drums were loud but Kathleen and Arvid's drum were louder.

What did I made it out of?
I made it out of: a plastic plate,Rubber band and a plastic bag.

What was I?
I was a Risk-Taker.I try to do my best to make it really nice!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Reflection about The Cup-A-phone

Today in U.O.I. my class made a Cup-A-phone so you use a cup and use a compass to make a hole in the bottom the cup and get a long string and you talk in it.Our new Unit is:Wacky Wavelenghts.

Then put a in the hole under the cup.After we were done making it we needed to go to the Atrium to test it if it really works.If the string fals losse you must tie it really tight.

It worked! But the sound was a little blurry.The sound was like I ws death.I was Reflective and Principled the things we needed were
2 cups,a long string,
siccors and a compass.

Then after that Mrs.Jane called it Cup-A-phone and she said it's going to be called bour Grade:3's experimental Cup-A-phone.Everybody was joyful that is was there Grade:3's experimental Cup-Aphone.My partner was Joshua.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Four days ago we were in Taman Bunga Mekarsari, only some people joined the mud fight.

The people who were the mud monsters were some of my, friends and my teachers.

The mud smelt like dirty socks mud.

It looked like it, was a farm.

My fellings about the mud fight, is Muddy,Dirty,Gross,Slimy,Slippery,Dificult,Goey,Yucky,Smelly,Disgusting,Awsome,Cool and wonderful.

When I touched the, mud it felt like Slimy and Yucky.

What I would do, is to throw the mud at another person who was in, the mud fight on there body.

When we wanted to get in we couldn't get in, the mud to start the mud fight so we had to slide down to start the mud fight!