So, I know its been like a while since i blogged.. but, i guess i better have some news updates ( idk.. ).. so there are these twins on youtube who are hillarious.. The Names Jack and Finn Harries.. youtube name is JacksGap.. they got the whole package! Cute, funny, and brit! ( home from 1D and The Beatles :D ) anyways.. Real sad news that Danielle Peazer ( back up dancer ) and Liam J. Payne broke up.. It was like a complete love story! but all because of the HATERRS on twitter.. you know who you are! you guys like broke up the cutest couple there was just because you couldn't have Liam and was jealous for Danielle! Can't you guys just give these people a break? I mean, they're human too.. they're not perfect ! By the wayy, while I'm typing.. Teens! go to mah friends blog it has the full sweep! it's http://www.teengirlslife.blog.com/
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